Thursday, October 22, 2009

at the top end

Tridata and wind instruments

these instruments will be set into the bulkhead on the aft end of the salon. The nice thing here is that the bulkhead has been shimmed out on the inside so no wires will be evident, makes a very neat finish.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A lick of varnish

and she will be quite perfect


There is a lot happening now, the scuttle has found its way on deck and its new home. I ordered the upholstery about two weeks ago, a nice rich blue which I think will look very sharp. Bill is heavily committed on the main hatch and I am starting to get the Electronics organised.

I bought a C120 for my Xmas last year, and the GPS to go with it all from Raymarine. The stereo I ordered last week and its open ended for Sirius Sat Radio. Bose speakers will likely find a slot in the forward bulkhead, one on each side.

Mushrooms spring up in the fall

Proposed spot for the low profile mushroom vent, I hope that tucking it in here will not create any issues with the multitude of tackle in this area.
These items came from the UK and the price was right, I'll let you know about the quality later.............

And at the blunt end....

the boomkin gets fitted, nicely mated against the aft end 0f the coamings.
The boomkin stays connected but not yet tightened.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The dink gets some work

A dyer dhow gets a bit of work. Its second hand but Bill tells me its good and certainly looking at all the fittings and the way its put together it will be just fine. The plan is to put it over the scuttle hatch, which will protect it from breaking waves, it should set down quite nicely and Bill skilfully remodelled the bow to allow it to lie nicely on the foredeck.

A bit of perspective.

A buddy of mine was down in Maine recently and he snapped a few shots for me. He wasn't allowed on board cos some of the varnish was wet. Quite rightly there has been a lot of painstaking effort gone into it to produce the rich mellow depth of color.

At the pointy end.........

The bow sprit emerges from the saw dust and looks great. You can see clearly the 2nd bow roller in place to support the anchor. This, I hope will save me doing a dance on the widow maker when the hook decides to run amok.

The cranse iron fits well and the various stays are fitted. The nice thing about the bowsprit is that it moves all the forces forward and enhances windward performance. Of course the pulpit can now be fitted and we already checked that, so more stuff coming together, however it almost seems that the closer you get to completion the more things there are to do.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

More and more details

The laz hinges are made so as the hatch can be opened and removed whilst the tiller is in operation. Nothing worse than coming into a mooring and the stuff you need is in the hatch and the only way to get it is to remove the tiller so as you can access the locker. So many things to think about and of course there will be so many I have missed. Nevermind when we get sailing we shall soon discover the mistakes. At least the BCC forum has lots of suggestions and advice.

Hardware shelf starts to empty and arrive on the boat

A sure sign of progress is the movement off the shelf and onto the boat. Hawse holes are fitted now that the final varnish is completed. The masking tape is disappearing fast and the finish comes together.

The port LED is fitted. Orca green and a very low amperage.

Lexan washboard for the scuttle

A bit of lexan will allow some light into this area which is always nice.

One small step...

It would be a pity to have the bulwarks spoiled by big boots etc, so we decided to place a rub rail right where the gate to the lifelines will go.